May 14, 2012 | Uncategorized
Did you know?: Welter Healthcare Partners has several long term training affiliations with local, regional and national residency training programs. We routinely meet with the residents (1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year’s) to teach and discuss coding, contracting and business principals of healthcare. Does your residency program need industry experts to come speak to the residents?
May 13, 2012 | Uncategorized
Colorado’s Primary Care Fund provides grants to healthcare providers who care for underserved populations and meet specific qualifications. The funds are generated from the collection of tobacco taxes in accordance with Section 21 of Article X (Tobacco Taxes for Health Related Purposes) of the State Constitution.nnThe Primary Care Fund application process requires that providers must use a formula to submit the percent of unduplicated users/patients served by the applicant agency who are enrolled in Medicaid and CHP+ or medically indigent. This data must be certified (or verified) by an outside entity prior to the submission of the application.nn Welter Healthcare Partners is qualified as an outside entity to complete the certification of the numbers of unduplicated user/patient counts for the Primary Care Fund application. If you need assistance with your Primary Care Fund application, contact Welter Healthcare Partners immediately at 303-534-0388.nnFor more information, visit
May 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
Did you know that Medicare is having ALL providers re-validate over the next 2 years? This has to be done right, on-time, even with the proper color ink! Don’t leave this to chance or to someone who does not have experience. Failure to do it right and on-time will cause your payments to stop. You will drop out of Medicare if this is not done properly!
May 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
We have found that CPC Certification NOW will allow for a much easier transition to ICD-10 than waiting for ICD-10 to be incorporated into the CPC exam. If you are thinking about becoming certified – do it today!
May 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
Gone are the days where we used to sit on opposite sides of the table and throw rocks at each other. The payers need the providers and the providers need the payers! We can work together. It still takes a clear understanding of data, timing and leverage to make for a good business relationship. Learn more…
May 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
Payers make mistakes – If you find that you are swimming in appeals, payment errors, loading issues, late payments, improper adjustments, etc. it may be a Credentialing issue, it may be a bad contract. We have solutions.