Why CPC Certification Now?

Why CPC Certification Now?We have found that CPC Certification NOW will allow for a much easier transition to ICD-10 than waiting for ICD-10 to be incorporated into the CPC exam.  If you are thinking about becoming certified – do it today!

Payer Managed Care Contracting

Payer Managed Care ContractingGone are the days where we used to sit on opposite sides of the table and throw rocks at each other.  The payers need the providers and the providers need the payers!  We can work together.  It still takes a clear understanding of data, timing and leverage to make for a good business relationship. Learn more…

Payer Appeals; Payment Errors

Payer Appeals; Payment ErrorsPayers make mistakes – If you find that you are swimming in appeals, payment errors, loading issues, late payments, improper adjustments, etc. it may be a Credentialing issue, it may be a bad contract. We have solutions.

Billing and Accounts Receivable Tactics

Todd Welter talks about getting back to the basics for accounts receivable and your processes. Learn what does not work and stop doing it… Ensure each member of your team is playing a significant role in the efficiency of operating your business to run a successful practice.nn