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Welter Healthcare Partners Celebrates YOU!

Hard work never fades…nIt lives in your achievements, it lives in your success stories and always inspires the generations to come. We salute you for the amazing work you do! Sending you warm wishes on Labor Day!nnIn honor of this special holiday, Welter Healthcare...

Upcoming Changes to Novitasphere Log In Requirements

New login requirements for Medicare — Action RequirednnThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will be implementing a system security change that affects the Novitasphere log in requirements for maintaining access.nnEffective September 1, 2018,...

CMS Released CY 2019 Physician Fee Scheduled Proposed Rule

Yesterday CMS released their CY 2019 physician fee schedule proposed rule, which includes major proposed changes to E&M coding. Below is my review of this component of their propose rule, including page references to the source in the federal register.nnWe all...

CMS Has High Hopes to Simplify Home Health Recertifications

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) hopes physicians would no longer have to predict how much longer a particular Medicare patient will need home care in order to have the service re-certified, according to a regulation they proposed Monday. nn"In...

Overwhelmed With How The Upcoming ACC 2.0 Changes Will Affect You?

Join us for an open house to gain more information about the changes that are coming to health care this summer. We will discuss the next phase of the Accountable Care Collaborative (ACC 2.0), Colorado’s innovative approach to improving the experience and outcomes of...

Webinar — MACRA/MIPS High-Level Overview

Familiarize yourself with the two designated tracks of MACRA — MIPS or APM, understand the potential financial upside and downside of MIPS participation & identify next steps within your practice to comply with these regulations with this helpful Webinar provided...

CDC Releases Final List Of 2019 ICD-10-CM Codes

On June 11, the CDC posted the Release of the 2019 ICD-10-CM codes for download in both XML and PDF formats. The 2019 update includes a total of 473 code changes, including additions, deletions, and revisions to the code set. nnMany of the new codes added to the code...