The Trump administration has released information regarding financial relief for Medicare providers. Read below for more information and see what criteria the provider or supplier must meet to qualify.nnUnder the President’s leadership, the Centers for Medicare &...
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Telehealth/Telemedicine Reporting for Medicare: Fact or Fiction
Ginger Avery, CPC, CPMA, CRC, is the Coding and Compliance Manager at Welter Healthcare Partners, Inc. Below, she provides information regarding Telehealth and Telemedicine reporting. Read below for important updates and whether other important information is fact or...
Happy National Doctor’s Day!
Today we celebrate and are extremely grateful for all of our healthcare providers who are on the front line treating and caring for patients. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your unwavering dedication to keeping all of us safe and well!n
Telehealth Coding for PT
Big news for PTs and their patients! For the first time, PTs will be allowed to bill for e-visits under codes associated with online assessment and management services (codes G2061, G2062, and G2063). To determine the reimbursement rates for G2061-G2063, visit the CMS...
Operational Strategies for Post COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing problems for everyone around the world. While it is important to pay attention to what is going on, there will be a point in time where everything will go back to normal. Many businesses will have buildup demand during this period and...
Colorado Telehealth Payer Updates for COVID-19
Below are some updates regarding telehealth providers in Colorado. These are new updates and resources regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Each of these payers has links to its website, for you to learn more about the services they are offering. Keep reading below to...
Working from Home and the Importance of Staying Compliant
So many of us are now faced with not only the challenges associated with working from home but having the whole family home as well. There are daily news stories about how to cope with kids who want to go see their friends, work-out routines without gym equipment, and...
ICD-10 Committee: Start Reporting Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 with U07.1 on April 1
Welter Healthcare Partners is committed to keeping you up to date with the latest news regarding COVID-19. Beginning April 1st providers can start to use U07.1 for the diagnosis code of COVID-19. Read below to find out more about this coding update. nWritten by:...
Welter Healthcare Partners Coronavirus Update
Dear Valued Welter Healthcare Partners Customer,nnYour team at Welter Healthcare Partners is closely monitoring the developments regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are following the guidance from multiple healthcare authorities, including our own medical director,...
Medicare COVID-19 Telehealth Billing Update
Welter Healthcare Partners is committed to providing you with the most up to date information regarding billing and coding issues regarding COVID-19. For more information regarding this billing update on Medicare read the article below!nThe Trump Administration today...
Telehealth COVID-19 Coding & Billing Updates
Due to the recent outbreak in COVID-19 paired with increased concern for patients to be seen under quarantine conditions, Welter Healthcare Partners is striving to collect all relevant documentation, coding and billing details to help clinicians assure they receive...
HHS Interoperability Rules Get Mixed Response
In March 2020, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services finalized two HHS interoperability rules that give patients access to their healthcare data. With this new system, patients and providers will be able to access their medical records through applications...