CMS Finalizes New Medicare Quality Payment Program

CMS Finalizes New Medicare Quality Payment ProgramCMS Provider Education Message:nnOn October 14, HHS finalized its policy implementing the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and the Advanced Alternative Payment Model (APM) incentive payment provisions in the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), collectively referred to as the Quality Payment Program. The new Quality Payment Program will gradually transform Medicare payments for more than 600,000 clinicians across the country, and is a major step in improving care across the entire health care system.nnThe final rule with comment period offers a fresh start for Medicare by centering payments around the care that is best for the patients, providing more options to clinicians for innovative care and payment approaches, and reducing administrative burden to give clinicians more time to spend with their patients, instead of on paperwork.nnAccompanying the announcement is a new Quality Payment Program website, which will explain the new program and help clinicians easily identify the measures most meaningful to their practice or specialty.nnFor More Information:nFinal Rule and Executive SummarynPress ReleasenFact SheetnQuality Payment Program website

Amendment 69 — ColoradoCare Tax Hike Will Affect Local Veterans

Amendment 69 — Colorado care Tax Hike Will Affect Local VeteransColoradoCare’s proponents claim that Amendment 69 will be good for our active duty and retired military. But that’s not what Colorado’s veterans think! The Pueblo Chieftan published a letter from two decorated retired Colorado veterans, who are opposing the dangerous tax burdens and uncertain health coverage contained in Amendment 69. Read their letter here.nnWith the health care system set up by ColoradoCare, veterans and active duty military members will still receive their care through TRICARE and VA benefits, not through ColoradoCare. But despite no benefits from the new system, Colorado’s military families would still be forced to pay their share of a huge new income tax hike! That could mean a retired colonel eligible for Medicare benefits would pay a $6,000 annual premium for ColoradoCare, with no health care benefits!nnAmendment 69 is dangerous for all Coloradans, but especially for our military families. We only have a few weeks to defeat Amendment 69.nn

nnA resounding 'NO'The Denver Post‘s recent editorial on Amendment 69 starts off with a bang:nn”Should Amendment 69 find itself embedded in the Colorado Constitution, and fail even half as dramatically as it could — and we cannot imagine how it could succeed — it would take navigating circles of hell in a wooden dingy to correct the damage.”nnFrom the giant tax hikes that would affect not only workers’ bottom lines but also the ability of Colorado’s small businesses to grow, to the 21-member board of politicians that would control your health coverage, the Post urges a “resounding ‘no’ on Amendment 69.”This is a huge boost of momentum to our effort to stop ColoradoCare from becoming law, Thomas.nnBut ballots were mailed to voters today — there’s just not much time left to make sure we have the votes to defeat this dangerous measure. Can you chip in $15 today?

Learn More about the New Medicare Quality Payment Program – Upcoming Webinars

Learn More about the New Medicare Quality Payment Program – Upcoming WebinarsThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) invites you to join a webinar on October 26 at 2:00 PM ET, on the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) final rule with comment period. The webinar will provide an overview of the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Advanced Alternative Payment Model (APM) incentive payment provisions under MACRA, collectively referred to as the Quality Payment Program.nnWebinar DetailsnnQuality Payment Program OverviewnnDate: Wednesday, October 26, 2016nTime: 2:00 to 3:00 PM ETnRegister: for this webinar is limited. Register now to secure your spot. After you register, you will receive an email message with a dial-in number and webinar link. Please note, you will not be able to share your participant information because it will be unique to you.nnQuality Payment Program Final Rule MLN Connects® Call — November 15nnDate: Tuesday, November 15, 2016nTime: 1:30 to 3:00 PM ETnRegister: MLN Connects Event RegistrationnTarget Audience: Medicare Part B Fee-For-Service clinicians, office managers and administrators; state and national associations that represent healthcare providers; and other stakeholders.nSpace may be limited, register early. During this call, learn about the provisions in the recently released final rule; participants should review the rule prior to the call. A question and answer session will follow the presentation.nnFor More InformationnnTo learn more about the final rule and the Quality Payment Program, view the following resources:n

nSubmit a Formal CommentnnCMS encourages the public to submit comments on the MACRA final rule. Comments are due 60 days after the date of filing for public inspection, and can be submitted in several ways, including:n

Vote NO on Amendment 69 – Get the Word Out!

Colorado’s mail voting system means that the first ballots of the 2016 election will reach voters’ mailboxes in just one week. That means we’re almost out of time to make sure every voter has the FACTS about Amendment 69 and the untested experimental health care debacle that it would enshrine in our state’s constitution. We need your strong support during this final sprint toward Election Day.nnYou already know that Amendment 69 would likely mean employers fleeing Colorado, a huge tax increase on workers and a completely untested health care system. ColoradoCare would mean a panel of unaccountable politicians deciding treatment options and raising taxes without TABOR limitations. The dangers of Amendment 69 are clear. There isn’t much time to defeat this dangerous amendment. Colorado voters deserve to know the truth about Amendment 69 before they vote.nnBigger is not always better and Amendment 69 is too BIG for Colorado! Opposition to Amendment 69 continues to grow!nnvote-no-on-amendment-69-get-the-word-outnnHere are the facts:n


  • It is costly. The $25 billion tax increase would essentially DOUBLE the size of the current state budget. Employers would have a new 6.67 percent payroll tax, and all workers would pay another 3.33 percent payroll tax.
  • n

  • It hits business owners and sole proprietors disproportionally. These Coloradans would pay both sides of the tax – that’s 10 percent in new employment taxes. On top of that, there would be an additional 10 percent tax on all non-payroll income.
  • n

  • It is unaccountable. While supported by your tax dollars, Amendment 69 is specifically designed to operate outside state government and TABOR limitations, run by a 21-member board elected by plan “members.” This board would bear the sole ability to decide coverage, negotiate prices and reimbursement rates and raise taxes when the initial $25 billion in annual revenue proves insufficient and would have no accountability to the governor or legislature.
  • n

  • It would limit health care choice, access and quality. A government run system like this makes Colorado less attractive to providers. We fear our best providers would leave the state and that it would be hard to attract new providers to practice here.
  • n

  • Workers and their families face uncertainty about coverage. Today, workers know what their plan covers – and what it doesn’t. There are no specifics about what the Amendment 69 plan would cover, and those decisions are left to the 21-member board.
  • n

nWith Amendment 69, it actually feels good to say NO.nnvote-no-on-amendment-69-get-the-word-out1

CAQH ProView Improvements – New Required Fields

Upcoming Improvements Scheduled for SeptemberProfessional Liability InsurancennThe latest release for CAQH ProView includes improvements to the Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) screen. Based on feedback from practice managers and participating organizations, changes to this section will help providers enter PLI information accurately, reducing follow-up and making the credentialing process smoother and faster.nnChanges to this section will include:n


  • A new required question will be added to the PLI screen: “Are you covered under a professional liability insurance policy?”
  • n

  • Providers who indicate that they are not covered under a PLI policy will be required to upload supporting documentation.
  • n

  • When updating a PLI record already in CAQH ProView, a new “Renew” button will enable providers or practice managers to quickly copy information from a previous PLI record into a new record.  They will then be prompted to input an updated Effective Date and Expiration Date.
  • n

  • Providers will be prompted to upload a current Certificate of Insurance or PLI face sheet, documentation that is required by many health plans during the credentialing process.
  • n

  • This section will also include improved instructional text and expanded “Help” information.
  • n

nStandardizing Practice Location AddressesnnCAQH ProView is making additional improvements to ensure that provider data entered is accurate. The United States Postal Service standardized format will be applied to ensure practice addresses are accurate and complete per USPS address standards. This feature will prompt providers to review, and correct if necessary, their practice location addresses prior to attestation. Per the USPS format, all addresses will appear IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.nnSystem Improvements Released August 1nnThe Employment Information screens within CAQH ProView have been updated, making them easier to use. Additionally, some fields that were previously optional are now required, enabling healthcare providers to submit more complete profiles that require less follow-up work and reducing requests for additional information from health plans and other organizations. Healthcare providers may wish to allow additional time during the next re-attestation to complete these fields. These changes to CAQH ProView do NOT affect a provider’s status in CAQH ProView or the ability for authorized participating organizations to view data.n



    • Employment Information Screen: Providers are able to enter their employment history, and clearly see if they have omitted any relevant information. The following changes have been implemented:n

      • At least one employment record is required.
      • n

      • A summary screen displays the provider’s employment history. Any gaps greater than six months which require an explanation are automatically highlighted.
      • n

      • A drop-down menu with predefined options is available to select the appropriate reason for any gaps in employment.
      • n

      • A confirmation pop-up window appears if more than one employment record is marked as a current employer.
      • n

      • The “Help” information has been expanded throughout the Employment Information screens.
      • n


    • n

    • Required Fields: Select fields that were optional are now required. The following fields are required:n

      • Professional IDs section:n

        • DEA State (for each DEA number entered into CAQH ProView).
        • n


      • n

      • Education section:n

        • Did you complete your professional education at this school?
        • n

        • If yes, Completion Date.
        • n


      • n

      • Professional Training section:n

        • End Date.
        • n

        • Did you complete the training program at this institution?
        • n

        • If yes, Completion Date.
        • n


      • n

      • Specialties section:n

        • Does your board certification have an expiration date?
        • n

        • If yes, board certification expiration date.
        • n

        • If yes, board certification re-certification date.
        • n


      • n

      • Practice Location section:n

        • Provider’s start date.
        • n

        • Do you have an organization (Type 2) NPI?
        • n

        • If yes, NPI Type 2.
        • n

        • Gender Limitations.
        • n

        • If yes, Gender Limitations Type.
        • n

        • Are there any age limitations?
        • n

        • If yes, Age Minimum and Age Maximum
        • n


      • n


    • n
