Feb 20, 2013 | Uncategorized
President Lincoln and Washington,which codes goes to which president?nnQ87.40 – Marfan’s SyndromenK08.109 – Edentulismnn nnIn preparation for the upcoming deadline for ICD-10 implementation, Welter Healthcare Partners presents weekly ICD-10 Codes of the Week! Our goal is to familiarize you with the new and expanded code set and the additional clinical documentation needed from your providers to comply with ICD-10 coding, and more importantly, for accurate and clean claims submission to keep your revenue stream flowing! We are to help YOU prepare for the October 1, 2014 implementation date. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for all of your training and education needs!
Feb 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
Patient Affordable Care Act Changes That Occurred in 2010nIndoor tanning services were assessed a 10% excise tax.nnA re-insurance program offset the costs of health benefits for workers age 55-64 who were forced into early retirement.nnMedicare beneficiaries who fell into the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug “donut hole” received a $250 rebate. They received a 50% discount on brand name drugs in 2011, and the doughnut hole is eliminated in 2020.nnChildren were allowed to stay on their parents’ health insurance until they turn 26.nnNew private plans were required to cover preventive services with no co-payments, and they are exempt from deductibles. Consumers who applied to new plans have access to an external appeals process if coverage is denied.nnInsurance companies were prohibited from dropping coverage if someone got really sick. They couldn’t create lifetime coverage limits. They could no longer deny coverage to children with pre-existing conditions. The same will apply to adults in 2014. Until then, adults with pre-existing conditions who have been denied coverage will get access to temporary health insurance coverage until the exchanges are set up. (To see how to sign up, go to Pre-Existing Conditions.)nnPPACA (Patient Protection Affordable Care Act)Changes in 2011n
- Medicare-covered preventative services were exempted from deductibles and the co-pay was eliminated.
- Insurance companies must prove they spent at least 80% of the premium payments on medical services, rather than on things like advertising and executive salaries. Those that didn’t were required to provide rebates to policyholders.
- States were funded to require health insurance companies to submit justification for all rate hikes.
- Funds were expanded to increase the number of doctors and nurses, and more community health centers — enough to double the number of patients they can treat in the next five years.
Changes in 2013nMedical expenses must be at least 10% of income before they are deductible for those under 65. Manufacturers and importers of medical devices will pay a 2.3% excise tax. Federal funds will increase to allow Medicaid to offer free preventive services, and to extend CHIP for an additional two years. The Federal government will fund states to pay primary care physicians 100% of the Medicare fee. Medicare will start a pilot program to encourage hospitals to bundle services before submitting for payment. (Source: Healthcare.gov)nnAdditional taxes will be paid by the 1 million people who make more than $200,000 and the 4 million couples filing jointly who make more than $250,000. Specifically, they would pay 3.8% Medicare taxes on dividends, capital gains, rent and royalties and 2.35% (up from 1.45%) Medicare taxes on income.nnChanges in 2014nIn 2014, the state-run health exchanges will be set up. Medicaid eligibility will be expanded to include those with incomes up to 133% of the Federal poverty line ($29,000 for a family of four). New subsidies will become available for with incomes up to 400% of the poverty level ($88,000 for a family of four). To find out how this will work, see Affordable Care Act from the About.com Guide to Health Insurance.nnThose who don’t purchase insurance will be assessed penalties:n
- 2014 – The greater of $95 or 1% of income.
- 2015 – $325 or 2% of income.
- 2016 – $695 or 2.5% of income
nBusinesses with 50+ workers must pay $2,000 per worker (except for the first 20) if they don’t offer health insurance. Those that do receive a tax credit of 50% of the premium cost.nnSource: HealthReform.gov; Ryan Donmoyer; March 22, 2010, Article Updated July 13, 2012.
Feb 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
Worst V-Day diagnosis code:nI51.81 – “Broken heart syndrome”nnStruck by Cupid’s arrow:nS26.99xA – Other injury of heart, initial encounternW21.89xA – Struck by arrow, initial encounternnThe only kind of chocolate you DON’T want on V-Day:nN80.1 – Chocolate cystnnMost common ICD-10 diagnosis code reported at Mardi Gras in New Orleans:nW52.XXXA – Crushed by crowdnnIn preparation for the upcoming deadline for ICD-10 implementation, Welter Healthcare Partners presents weekly ICD-10 Codes of the Week! Our goal is to familiarize you with the new and expanded code set and the additional clinical documentation needed from your providers to comply with ICD-10 coding, and more importantly, for accurate and clean claims submission to keep your revenue stream flowing! We are to help YOU prepare for the October 1, 2014 implementation date. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for all of your training and education needs!
Feb 8, 2013 | Uncategorized
Seminar Title: ICD-10: A Coder’s PerspectivenSeminar Cost: FREE – Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity!nnSeminar Description: An informative seminar to give a coder’s viewpoint of the ICD-10 transition and to alleviate fears of what the new code set will mean to coders and billers. We will review guideline changes, new concepts and problematic code sets, along with in-depth discussions of the impact to outpatient coders, tips on how to begin the education and training process, and tips on how to avoid potential pitfalls during the implementation process.nnThis program has the prior approval for 2.0 CEU’s from the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) and American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).nnSeminar Dates and Locations:nEnglewood, CO: Swedish Medical CenternSpruce C Conference Roomn501 E Hampden AvenuenEnglewood, CO 80113nnDate: Wednesday April 10, 2013nTime: 2-4pmnnThis class is full and can no longer accept new registrants. Please register for our Thornton, CO class if you wish to attend.nnnWeb-based ICD-10 training is coming soon! To receive updates on upcoming seminars, webinars and training, join our email registration!
Feb 4, 2013 | Uncategorized
T14.8 – Multiple contusions
nnW04.XXA – Fall while being carried by other personsnnY90.1 – Evidence of alcohol involvement determined by blood alcohol level, 20-39 mg/100 mlnnZ72.820 – Sleep deprivationnnZ72.6 – Problems relating to gambling and bettingnn nnIn preparation for the upcoming deadline for ICD-10 implementation, Welter Healthcare Partners presents weekly ICD-10 Codes of the Week! Our goal is to familiarize you with the new and expanded code set and the additional clinical documentation needed from your providers to comply with ICD-10 coding, and more importantly, for accurate and clean claims submission to keep your revenue stream flowing! We are to help YOU prepare for the October 1, 2014 implementation date. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for all of your training and education needs!
Feb 4, 2013 | Uncategorized
Was it: T71.141Ann
Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person’s body (in bed), initial encounter, accidentalnnOr was it: T71.143AnAsphyxiation due to smothering under another person’s body (in bed), initial encounter, assaultnn nnIn preparation for the upcoming deadline for ICD-10 implementation, Welter Healthcare Partners presents weekly ICD-10 Codes of the Week! Our goal is to familiarize you with the new and expanded code set and the additional clinical documentation needed from your providers to comply with ICD-10 coding, and more importantly, for accurate and clean claims submission to keep your revenue stream flowing! We are to help YOU prepare for the October 1, 2014 implementation date. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for all of your training and education needs!