Seminar Title: ICD-10: A Coder’s PerspectivenSeminar Cost: FREE – Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity!nnSeminar Description: An informative seminar to give a coder’s viewpoint of the ICD-10 transition and to alleviate fears of what the new code set will mean to coders and billers. We will review guideline changes, new concepts and problematic code sets, along with in-depth discussions of the impact to outpatient coders, tips on how to begin the education and training process, and tips on how to avoid potential pitfalls during the implementation process.nnThis program has the prior approval for 2.0 CEU’s from the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) and American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).nnSeminar Dates and Locations:nEnglewood, CO: Swedish Medical CenternSpruce C Conference Roomn501 E Hampden AvenuenEnglewood, CO 80113nnDate: Wednesday April 10, 2013nTime: 2-4pmnn
This class is full and can no longer accept new registrants. Please register for our Thornton, CO class if you wish to attend.nnnWeb-based ICD-10 training is coming soon! To receive updates on upcoming seminars, webinars and training, join our email registration!