Billing and Accounts Receivable Tactics

Todd Welter talks about getting back to the basics for accounts receivable and your processes. Learn what does not work and stop doing it… Ensure each member of your team is playing a significant role in the efficiency of operating your business to run a successful practice.nn

Healthcare Reform Spending; SGR

There is a lot of activity with healthcare reform with healthcare spending 17-18% of the gross domestic product. Listen to Todd Welter talk about the healthcare reform and sustainable growth rate (SGR) method. For more information on how Welter Healthcare Partners can help your practice, contact us today.nn

ICD-10 Quickinar

As you may already know, the ICD-10 deadline has been extended for possibly up to one year. Listen to Todd Welter, president of Welter Healthcare Partners, to discover how often you use ICD-9 codes and to learn how to effectively teach your team the significance of ICD-10.nn