Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)

May 23, 2019 | Uncategorized

In this code spotlight, Welter Healthcare Partners is providing new information regarding the risk factor reduction services that are used for people without a specific illness. This includes screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment. Welter who recently teamed up with CDPHE created a two-part webinar series on coding and billing for these codes, and also give information on how school-based health centers can take advantage of their services. nnDoes your practice screen patients for risk factors like smoking, alcohol or drug use? Do you know the correct coding for use patterns? According to section guidelines by the AMA, “…used to report services provided face-to-face by a physician or other qualified health care professional for the purpose of promoting health and preventing illness or injury. They are distinct from evaluation and management (E/M) services that may be reported separately with modifier 25 when performed. Risk factor reduction services are used for persons without a specific illness for which the counseling might otherwise be used as part of treatment.”nnThis is especially helpful when we look at codes 99406-99409 and incorporate this into your telemedicine services menu. Welter Healthcare Partners recently teamed up with CDPHE for a two-part webinar series on the coding and billing for these important codes and how school-based health centers can take advantage of the services they support.nn n






