Recruitment Services with Welter Healthcare Partners

Mar 31, 2016 | Uncategorized

Recruitment Services with  Welter Healthcare PartnersDid you know we now offer recruitment services? With our medical practice management experience, we CAN bring you the best candidates to fit your organization, and at a lower placement fee!nnHealth Care is a service business. Good medical services require good personnel. Good personnel make for happy customers, good patient flow, an efficient and effective practice, good team morale and productivity, and overall a well-oiled machine!nnOur Recruitment Services will find you good, qualified personnel who will be great additions to your team. We will do all of the legwork for you and we will deliver to you only the best candidates, based on your criteria. And we do it all for a 10% placement fee, the lowest fee in the market! Our services are proactive! We find candidates by using ALL of the tools available – we go find the candidates, we don’t wait for them to contact us!nnWe find multiple qualified candidates who meet your specific criteria, we then conduct:n


  • Initial phone conversation
  • n

  • Face-to-face interview
  • n

  • Reference Checks
  • n

  • Background Check
  • n

  • Skills Testing
  • n


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