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CMS Delays Start of Primary Care Payment Model

CMS' Innovation Center will delay the start of a new payment model called Primary Care First by a year, according to timeline updates on the model's information page.nnPrimary Care First, announced in April, was slated to begin in January 2020. Now, it will begin in...

2020 ICD‐10‐CM Updates

2019 ICD‐10‐CM updates went into effect on October 1st. These changes will impact encounters for dates of service October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020. It is imperative that your organization has up‐to‐date coding resources and a keen understanding of the...

Sugar Crash Effects and How to Fix Them

Reactive Hypoglycemia (ICD-10 code E16.1) or a sugar crash can do more than just make you tired. It can lead to feeling of hunger, irritability, anxiousness, headaches or even difficulty concentrating. With Halloween just around the corner, it seems there is a candy...

Colorado Health Exchange Premiums Dropping – by a Lot

With the development of the health insurance exchange, prices for coverage for those in Colorado are going to drop. This will give families an average of $600-$700, back in their pockets. Read the article below to see when and how this new change will take place.nnFor...

ICM Coding

In this code spotlight, Welter Healthcare Partners is providing new information regarding ICM Coding. Read below to find out more information on Insertable Cardiac Monitor codes!nnnOne of the hardest parts of coding is the revolving door of code changes.  2019 saw a...

Operative Report | Converted Laparoscopic

Do you have a complicated surgery case that needs help with coding? Welter Healthcare Partners would love to help! Please upload the operative note by clicking on the link below. Remember to remove ALL patient protected health information and organization identifiers....

Does Value-Based Pay Have a Future?

Private payers have begun to embrace the possibilities of value-based care. Many are not including value-based incentives, which allows the patient to save money. Read the article below to find out more on how this value-based pay system has a future.nnValue-based...

Changes and Ways to Stay up to Date

Health Care is a revolving door of changes and unlike most professions, some of our biggest changes happen on a yearly basis. The plus side to this is that we can anticipate most these changes and start preparing for them. How can you make the most out of these...

Denver Provider Market at ‘Tipping Point,’ Study Finds

The Denver provider market is huge, and it is at a tipping point currently with rates and increases due to the economic development in the area. Some of these providers are merging with others, but there are strict regulations to this. Read the article below to find...