It’s Never Too Early to Start Preparing for the 2021 E/M Changes

May 19, 2020 | Uncategorized

Have you started preparing for the new 2021 E/M changes? It is never too early as much of healthcare is already changing. Read below for more information on what has prompted the changes in the healthcare system.nnWith all that 2020 has already brought to the table and the changes it has prompted in the healthcare industry, it is important that each of us not lose track of what the future holds.nnAlthough the final rule is not scheduled to be released until November 2020, it is important that practice managers start talking, teaching, and planning now with their teams. These changes have been focused on how providers document and report E/M encounters and have been several years in the making.nnAMA’s director of editorial and regulatory services Zach Hochstetler said in a recent webinar, “We are encouraging everyone to adopt these changes now”. In addition to this, it was announced that AMA has plans to release educational and training material as well as web-based tools to assist in the transition.nnStart training your providers now to recognize the appropriate medical decision making, or MDM, level, and then driving the rest of the key elements to match this. As the new guidelines allow providers to select their level of service based on MDM or time, this will become the most important element of the encounter documentation.