ICD-10… It’s a Good Thing… Really!

Jun 1, 2015 | Uncategorized

ICD-10... It’s a Good Thing… Really!Healthcare is at its core based on science. It is the science of accurately diagnosing and treating the sick and wounded. That being said, how can having more specific information be a bad thing? How can having more data from which to make decisions be a bad thing? Will it be a hard switch to make?—Of course it will. It will be a first class pain in the tush. But, it will be a good thing in the end. ICD-10 will make accurate diagnosing of issues easier, more accurate and the ability to track what works and what does not work better, easier and faster.nnStay tuned for more Todd’s Tips!nn


Todd150About R. Todd Welter • MS, CPCnFounder and President of Welter Healthcare Partners

nMr. Welter has over 25 years of healthcare industry experience assisting physicians and other providers, hospitals and other facilities with the business side of medicine. Through strategic planning and analysis, Mr. Welter’s main focus is to strategically increase revenues and profitability in this radically changing health care environment. 
Mr. Welter has a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership from Regis University in Denver where he has had an appointment as affiliate faculty in the School for Professional Studies for over ten years. In addition, Mr. Welter holds a faculty appointment at the University of Denver’s University College. In the Health Care Leadership program he teaches Macro Economics in Health Care and Innovative Strategies and Change in Health Care to graduate students.