CAQH ProView Improvements – New Required Fields

Oct 5, 2016 | Uncategorized

Upcoming Improvements Scheduled for SeptemberProfessional Liability InsurancennThe latest release for CAQH ProView includes improvements to the Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) screen. Based on feedback from practice managers and participating organizations, changes to this section will help providers enter PLI information accurately, reducing follow-up and making the credentialing process smoother and faster.nnChanges to this section will include:n


  • A new required question will be added to the PLI screen: “Are you covered under a professional liability insurance policy?”
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  • Providers who indicate that they are not covered under a PLI policy will be required to upload supporting documentation.
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  • When updating a PLI record already in CAQH ProView, a new “Renew” button will enable providers or practice managers to quickly copy information from a previous PLI record into a new record.  They will then be prompted to input an updated Effective Date and Expiration Date.
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  • Providers will be prompted to upload a current Certificate of Insurance or PLI face sheet, documentation that is required by many health plans during the credentialing process.
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  • This section will also include improved instructional text and expanded “Help” information.
  • n

nStandardizing Practice Location AddressesnnCAQH ProView is making additional improvements to ensure that provider data entered is accurate. The United States Postal Service standardized format will be applied to ensure practice addresses are accurate and complete per USPS address standards. This feature will prompt providers to review, and correct if necessary, their practice location addresses prior to attestation. Per the USPS format, all addresses will appear IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.nnSystem Improvements Released August 1nnThe Employment Information screens within CAQH ProView have been updated, making them easier to use. Additionally, some fields that were previously optional are now required, enabling healthcare providers to submit more complete profiles that require less follow-up work and reducing requests for additional information from health plans and other organizations. Healthcare providers may wish to allow additional time during the next re-attestation to complete these fields. These changes to CAQH ProView do NOT affect a provider’s status in CAQH ProView or the ability for authorized participating organizations to view data.n



    • Employment Information Screen: Providers are able to enter their employment history, and clearly see if they have omitted any relevant information. The following changes have been implemented:n

      • At least one employment record is required.
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      • A summary screen displays the provider’s employment history. Any gaps greater than six months which require an explanation are automatically highlighted.
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      • A drop-down menu with predefined options is available to select the appropriate reason for any gaps in employment.
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      • A confirmation pop-up window appears if more than one employment record is marked as a current employer.
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      • The “Help” information has been expanded throughout the Employment Information screens.
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    • Required Fields: Select fields that were optional are now required. The following fields are required:n

      • Professional IDs section:n

        • DEA State (for each DEA number entered into CAQH ProView).
        • n


      • n

      • Education section:n

        • Did you complete your professional education at this school?
        • n

        • If yes, Completion Date.
        • n


      • n

      • Professional Training section:n

        • End Date.
        • n

        • Did you complete the training program at this institution?
        • n

        • If yes, Completion Date.
        • n


      • n

      • Specialties section:n

        • Does your board certification have an expiration date?
        • n

        • If yes, board certification expiration date.
        • n

        • If yes, board certification re-certification date.
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      • n

      • Practice Location section:n

        • Provider’s start date.
        • n

        • Do you have an organization (Type 2) NPI?
        • n

        • If yes, NPI Type 2.
        • n

        • Gender Limitations.
        • n

        • If yes, Gender Limitations Type.
        • n

        • Are there any age limitations?
        • n

        • If yes, Age Minimum and Age Maximum
        • n


      • n


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