ICD-10 Coffee Klatch Webinar

This ICD-10 Coffee Klatch webinar is an informative review and excellent starting point for physician and hospital coders. Ms. Toni Woods and Ms. Whitney Horton, both AHIMA-Approved ICD-10-CM/PCS Trainers, will give viewers a glimpse of Welter Healthcare Partners’s formal ICD-10 Coder Academies and training, and provide an overview of ICD-10 Coding Conventions, Chapter Guidelines, Code Structures and an introduction to the 31 root operations in the Medical and Surgical sections of ICD-10-PCS.nn

Welter Healthcare Partners Renews Contract With Colorado Department Of Public Health

Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 11.37.53 AM Welter Healthcare Partners is proud to announce that we’ve received approval to renew our contract with the State of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. We will continue to assist with medical clinics covering the topics of:n


  • Billing
  • n

  • Coding
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  • Managed care contracting
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n Welter Healthcare Partners is currently working with local public health agencies and state and national public health leaders to address these issues. We are actively assisting large and small public health departments across the country by providing:n


  • Comprehensive assessments of current capacity, structure, resources, systems and personnel with recommendations for moving forward
  • n

  • Strategic planning and implementation services
  • n

  • Revenue cycle management
  • n

  • Billing and A/R management services
  • n

  • Insurance contracting and credentialing
  • n

  • Provider coding and documentation training, including ICD-10 training
  • n

  • Practice management and electronic medical records (EMR) implementation
  • n

nCheck out page 31 of the January/February publication of Colorado Medicine, below, which features an article covering the work of our own Todd Welter!nn


 nn nnPlease, do not feed the wildlife…nS61.451A: Open bite of right hand, initial encounternW55.81XA: Bitten by mountain lionnY93.01: Activity, hikingnn 


 nn nnBilling/Accounts Receivables/Revenue Cycle Management:  The blood that keeps a practice alive:nnPick a patient seen one month ago and follow that revenue cycle.  Look at the claim, compare it to the notes, has it been paid?  Did the patient pay a co-payment or deductible if so when? (Co-payments and deductibles should be paid at the time of service).  Did the insurance pay, if a clean claim was sent electronically it should be paid within 30 days. Was it paid properly? How do you know?   If it hasn’t been paid, find out why!  Revenue Cycle is a Cycle!  Follow it!  You may be surprised at what you find.nn 

Alternative Payment Models For Healthcare Industry

Federal Agencies adopt new tactics for healthcare industry to alternative payment models in medicine.

nAlternative Payment Models For Healthcare Industry The Department of Health and Human Services has pushed forward several alternative payment models for the healthcare industry.nnIn recent years, the federal government has positioned the healthcare industry to adopt new reimbursement tactics aimed at strengthening pay-for-performance initiatives. These regulations consist of alternative payment models such as bundled payments or value-based care reimbursement. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), for instance, established the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model, which consists of implementing bundled payments or reimbursement based on an episode of care within hip and knee replacement surgeries.The proposed rule for the bundled payment model was initially was published on July 9, 2015 and the finalized legislation was made available on November 16, 2015. The start date of the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model is set for April 1, 2016. “The CJR [Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement] model holds participant hospitals financially accountable for the quality and cost of a CJR episode of care and incentivizes increased coordination of care among hospitals, physicians, and post-acute care providers,” CMS stated on its website.nn“The episode of care begins with an admission to a participant hospital of a beneficiary who is ultimately discharged under MS-DRG 469 (Major joint replacement or reattachment of lower extremity with major complications or comorbidities) or 470 (Major joint replacement or reattachment of lower extremity without major complications or comorbidities) and ends 90 days post-discharge in order to cover the complete period of recovery for beneficiaries. The episode includes all related items and services paid under Medicare Part A and Part B for all Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries, with the exception of certain exclusions.” CMS has had a rich history of supporting bundled payment models starting in the 1980s when an inpatient prospective payment system was created. This was the first step in which the Medicare program reimbursed hospitals based on a fixed amount for each patient’s hospital stay and diagnosis.n

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nThis article is originally posted on Revcycleintelligence.com.