Vote NO on Amendment 69 – Get the Word Out!

Oct 13, 2016 | Uncategorized

Colorado’s mail voting system means that the first ballots of the 2016 election will reach voters’ mailboxes in just one week. That means we’re almost out of time to make sure every voter has the FACTS about Amendment 69 and the untested experimental health care debacle that it would enshrine in our state’s constitution. We need your strong support during this final sprint toward Election Day.nnYou already know that Amendment 69 would likely mean employers fleeing Colorado, a huge tax increase on workers and a completely untested health care system. ColoradoCare would mean a panel of unaccountable politicians deciding treatment options and raising taxes without TABOR limitations. The dangers of Amendment 69 are clear. There isn’t much time to defeat this dangerous amendment. Colorado voters deserve to know the truth about Amendment 69 before they vote.nnBigger is not always better and Amendment 69 is too BIG for Colorado! Opposition to Amendment 69 continues to grow!nnvote-no-on-amendment-69-get-the-word-outnnHere are the facts:n


  • It is costly. The $25 billion tax increase would essentially DOUBLE the size of the current state budget. Employers would have a new 6.67 percent payroll tax, and all workers would pay another 3.33 percent payroll tax.
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  • It hits business owners and sole proprietors disproportionally. These Coloradans would pay both sides of the tax – that’s 10 percent in new employment taxes. On top of that, there would be an additional 10 percent tax on all non-payroll income.
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  • It is unaccountable. While supported by your tax dollars, Amendment 69 is specifically designed to operate outside state government and TABOR limitations, run by a 21-member board elected by plan “members.” This board would bear the sole ability to decide coverage, negotiate prices and reimbursement rates and raise taxes when the initial $25 billion in annual revenue proves insufficient and would have no accountability to the governor or legislature.
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  • It would limit health care choice, access and quality. A government run system like this makes Colorado less attractive to providers. We fear our best providers would leave the state and that it would be hard to attract new providers to practice here.
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  • Workers and their families face uncertainty about coverage. Today, workers know what their plan covers – and what it doesn’t. There are no specifics about what the Amendment 69 plan would cover, and those decisions are left to the 21-member board.
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nWith Amendment 69, it actually feels good to say NO.nnvote-no-on-amendment-69-get-the-word-out1