Soft Skills — Professional Development Tidbit

May 26, 2017 | Uncategorized

Soft Skills — Professional Development Tidbit Welter Healthcare Partners is excited to present our helpful career advancing tips and strategies to sharpen the skills prospective employers look for in a coder!nnSoft Skills: What are they exactly? And why are they so crucial to landing your dream job? Soft skills are used synonymously with interpersonal skills and are always in high demand. These are typically skills that are more social than technical like standard job-related requirements. Soft skills include a broad range of areas – here are just a few examples: communication, executive presence, gravitas, relationship-building, decisiveness, self-motivation, leadership, team work, creativity, and resiliency. Employers desire candidates with strong soft skills as these skills are invaluable to the success of any business and are imperativento fostering a dynamic workplace.