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Accountable care organizationGroup of doctors, hospitals and other health care providers who come together voluntarily to give coordinated high quality care to specific patients, most often Medicare patients. Affordable Care ActFederal Patient Protection and...

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Why is Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) important for healthcare providers? RCM is important for healthcare providers because it helps to maximize revenue by ensuring that claims are submitted accurately and in a timely manner. It also ensures that practices are...

Leadership Team

Executive TeamChairman & CEOChief Operating OfficerDirector of Practice Management ServicesController & HR ManagerClient Accounting ServicesSenior Management TeamDirector, Coding and ComplianceContracts ManagerStrategy and Managed Care ContractingDirector of...

“Partnering with Welter …best investments we made”

Partnering with Welter is one of the best investments we made here at NorthBay over 15 years ago. Our Ambulatory Division providers are so very pleased with the coding audits, tips, advise and education they’ve been provided. Providers are very satisfied with the...

Holly Cebina

CPB – Billing ManagerBilling Manager Ms. Cebina has over 16 years of revenue cycle management experience and is an AAPC Certified Professional Biller (CPB). Her experience covers many specialties including but not limited to, primary care, internal medicine,...

Lacey Peterson

Manager of CVO ServicesManager of CVO Services Ms. Peterson has been a valuable member of the Welter Healthcare Partners team since 2016. She began as a credentialing and enrollment specialist and was promoted to her current role as Manager of CVO services. Her...

Rosemary Hebel

Director of CredentialingRosemary HebelDirector of Credentialing Mrs. Hebel has been a member of the Welter Healthcare Partners team since 2015 and is an invaluable leader within our organization. She leads a large credentialing team focused on provider enrollment and...

Tara Galante

Controller & HR ManagerTara GalanteController & Human Resources Manager   Mrs. Galante has over 20 years of experience in various industries in Accounting, Human Resources and Operations and has been with Welter Healthcare Partners since 2016. She...

Mark Welter

Contracts ManagerMark WelterContracts Manager Welter Healthcare Partners Mark has worked for Welter Healthcare Partners since 2016 and helps support many areas across the organization. Mark graduated from the University of Missouri in 2016 with his Bachelors of...

Jennifer Heuer

Chief Operating Officer,Director of Practice Management ServicesJennifer HeuerChief Operating Officer Welter Healthcare Partners Ms. Heuer has worked for Welter Healthcare Partners since 2004. She has devoted her entire career to working with physicians and practices...

Privacy and User Agreement

Privacy and User Agreement Effective Date: 6/6/23 This Privacy and User Agreement (the "Agreement") is a legal contract between you ("User" or "you") and Welter Healthcare Partners, Inc. (" Welter Healthcare Partners," "we," "our," or "us"), governing your use of the...

R. Todd Welter

Chairman & CEOR. Todd WelterChairman & CEO Welter Healthcare Partners Mr. Welter has over 40 years of healthcare industry experience assisting physicians and other providers, hospitals and other facilities with the business side of medicine. Through strategic...