Collect co-pays at the time of service—It costs way to much to do so via the usual billing A/R process.nnWhen a patient comes in and has a co–payment, deductible, coinsurance—collectively called cost share—or you know through the pre–certification process that the...
Results for ""
It's Time To Kick Those Unhealthy Habits
Z68.35 — Body mass index (BMI) 35.0-35.9, adultnR03.0 — Elevated blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis of hypertensionnF17.210 — Nicotine dependence, cigarettes, uncomplicatednF10.129 — Alcohol abuse with intoxication, unspecifiednnIn preparation for the upcoming...
2015 CPT Code Changes
The new CPT changes take effect January 1st. Understanding the new codes is crucial to obtaining the proper reimbursement for your services while also staying compliant with current coding and billing requirements. The changes for 2015 address a number of interrelated...
UnitedHealthcare Names Welter Healthcare Partners as a National Resource for ICD-10 Training
UnitedHealthcare is an operating division of UnitedHealth Group, the largest single health carrier in the United States.nWhat is UnitedHealthcare’s recommendation for network providers about the transition to ICD-10?nPhysicians and facilities who have not yet begun...
Snow Day Disaster…
S32.2XXA — Fracture of coccyxnW00.0XXA — Fall due to slipping on icenY93.H1XA — Shoveling snownY92.014 — Place of occurrence, drivewaynnIn preparation for the upcoming deadline for ICD-10 implementation, Welter Healthcare Partners presents weekly ICD-10 Codes of the...
Credentialing Updates!
CAQH ProView™ is Coming in February 2015.nThe CAQH® Universal Provider Datasource® (UPD) is trusted by more than 1.2 million healthcare providers as the premier resource for self-reporting demographic and professional information to payers, hospitals, large provider...
Happy New Year, Boogie Down…
S93.421A — Ankle sprainnW18.49XA — Slipping, tripping, or stumblingnY93.41 — DancingnR78.0 — Finding of alcohol in bloodnY92.252 — Dance hall as the place of occurrencennIn preparation for the upcoming deadline for ICD-10 implementation, Welter Healthcare Partners...
Happy Holidays from Welter Healthcare Partners
From all of us at Welter Healthcare Partners –nnWe wish you all the joys of the holiday season and happiness and prosperity throughout the coming year!nn
Grandma Got Run Over My A Reindeer
S30.0XXA — Contusion of buttocksnW55.32XA — Struck by reindeernY92.89 — Santa's driveway as the place of occurrencennIn preparation for the upcoming deadline for ICD-10 implementation, Welter Healthcare Partners presents weekly ICD-10 Codes of the Week! Our goal is to...
ICD-10 is Alive and Well, and Just Dodged the Biggest Bullet to Date
Saturday night, in a rare weekend session, the so-called "Cromnibus" federal funding bill, "HR 83 – Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015" passed the US Senate without any amendments delaying ICD-10, after passing the House of Representatives...
Holiday Pastime Gone Awry…
S68.011A — Complete traumatic amputation of right thumbnW01.118A — Fall with striking against sharp bladenV00.211A — Fall from ice-skatesnY92.330 — Ice skating rink as place of occurrencennIn preparation for the upcoming deadline for ICD-10 implementation, Welter...
Important CMS Updates — Provider Enrollment Application Fee Amount for CY 2015
Provider Enrollment Application Fee Amount for CY 2015nOn December 2, CMS issued a notice: Provider Enrollment Application Fee Amount for Calendar Year 2015 CMS-6056-N, effective January 1, 2015. This notice announces a $553.00 CY 2015 application fee for...