There is a new HCPCS code G2212 for prolonged services with or without direct patient contact on the date of service. This new code has changes that influence when extra time starts during patient encounters. Continue reading below to learn more.nnWith All the changes come up in 2021 for Office and Outpatient encounters, if you are a CMS credentialed provider this topic cannot be emphasized enough. Part of the overhaul of the Evaluation and Management (E/M) guideline changes was the creation of a prolonged service code, 99417. Unfortunately, the requirements for this code will not be support by CMS, thus the creation of HCPCS code G2212. Below you will see two tables taken directly from CMS Manual, transmittal 10505.nnThe biggest difference is that extra time does not start once the maximum time for your base code, 99205 or 99215, has been exceeded but rather it begins at minute 89. (i.e. if your total encounter time for a particular encounter was 100 minutes, according to CPT you would report 99205 + 99417×2 vs. CMS you would report 99205 + G2212x1).nnThese charts should be printed out and added to you CPT manual for comparison to what AMA has released for code 99417 or kept in with your other quick reference tools.nn nn
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