HHS ‘Implementation Forums’ Begin Next Week

Jul 25, 2012 | Uncategorized

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sent a letter to state governors July 10 reiterating HHS’ willingness to work with states to help them implement the ACA, to provide assistance and funding to states as they move forward with the establishment of their exchanges, and to allay concerns over Medicaid expansion issues.  In her letter, she announced that HHS will host ACA implementation forums in July and August across the country to provide an opportunity to states and stakeholders to learn more about next steps in implementation and to ask questions regarding the establishment of the insurance exchanges. These forums begin next week, starting in Washington, DC. The dates and locations may be found below.n

July 31: Washington, DCnHubert H. Humphrey Building, Great Halln200 Independence Ave., SWnWashington, DC 20201


August 2: ChicagonSocial Security Administration, Center Auditoriumn600 West Madison StreetnChicago, IL 60661


August 10: DenvernDavis Auditorium in Sturm Hall, University of Denvern2000 E. Asbury Ave.nDenver, CO 80208


August 15: AtlantanNational Archives at Atlantan5780 Jonesboro RoadnMorrow, GA 30260

nSource: www.polsinelli.com; Polsinelli Shughart PC; July 18, 2012.