Changes and Ways to Stay up to Date

Sep 30, 2019 | Uncategorized

Health Care is a revolving door of changes and unlike most professions, some of our biggest changes happen on a yearly basis. The plus side to this is that we can anticipate most these changes and start preparing for them. How can you make the most out of these changes and make sure you’re ready when they happen? The quick answer is to be prepared, but sometimes that is easier said than done.nnThe important thing to remember, is that these changes are typically finalized months in advance. You start to see industry buzz about proposed changes and this is the time so start paying attention. As we continue to move forward, there are great resources out there to take advantage of and not all of them come with a price tag. Podcasts have come a long way and are not just This American Life, and you don’t need a smart phone to access them. Often times you will end up finding a voice that you can really connect with. Best part is that we are not talking about 2+ hour long webinars. Often times these are quick, 30 minute conversations about key take a ways. With a 30 minute run time they can be great items to listen to while driving, on lunch breaks or even while doing those mindless household tasks.nnOne great weekly option is Talk Ten Tuesday. Click here to see more about the podcast!