nnMedicare now recognizes the important work that primary care physicians do when it comes to preventive screenings in older patients. Is your practice currently following the annual wellness visits for Medicare beneficiaries? Read below to find out the 3 steps to add annual Medicare wellness visits in your practice!nnDoes your practice currently conduct annual wellness visits (AWV) for your Medicare beneficiaries? These AWV’s can create a great source of revenue for your practice while allowing your patient’s an outlet to make sure they are staying healthy and enhancing their quality of life. One of the benefits of an AWV is that a practice can implement a workflow that allows all members of the care team to participate, thus maximizing the patient benefit and practice revenue. To get your practice on board to start this type of encounter, it is more than just reporting a different code. The Medicare AWV consists of several elements that must be completed during the encounter in order for the codes to be supported. You must implement an appropriate workflow to ensure all required elements or the AWV are addressed and well documented. You must also make sure your patients understand the process and what their expectations for these visits will be.nnHere is the link to the CMS MLN on this topic.nn