Help Curb Clinician Burnout with This 4-Point Strategy

Jun 1, 2018 | Uncategorized

Help Curb Clinician Burnout with This 4-Point StrategynnAlthough physicians are admired for mastering medical knowledge, keeping up with the flood of medical information can lead to anxiety and self-doubt. Check out some steps to help curb clinician burnout! nn3. Measuring the clinician experiencennAddressing burnout requires collecting data on multiple measures, the report says.nn”Leaders focused on reducing burnout and improving resilience in the clinician workforce should be prepared to measure engagement with sufficient thoroughness and frequency that the data allow segmentation, benchmarking and detection of change.”nnPress Ganey has developed an eight-point assessment tool to measure clinician resilience. The first four questions gauge capacity to disengage from work:n


  • I can enjoy my personal time without focusing on work
  • n

  • I rarely lose sleep over work
  • n

  • I can free my mind from work when I am away from it
  • n

  • I can disconnect from work communications during my free time
  • n

nThe last four questions in the assessment tool measure engagement with work.n


  • I care for patients equally even when it is difficult
  • n

  • I see every patient as an individual with specific needs
  • n

  • The work I do makes a real difference
  • n

  • My work is meaningful
  • n

n4. Designing interventionsnnThe report says there are four steps to developing an organization strategy for enhancing resilience and decreasing burnout:n


  • Communicate the gravity of burnout, accept responsibility for addressing external stressors, and offer resources for coping with inherent stressors
  • n

  • Measure engagement and resilience of physicians, nurses and other key personnel, benchmark at unit levels, and monitor change as­sociated with interventions
  • n

  • Promote inherent rewards to boost clinician engagement
  • n

  • Foster a culture of wellness and resilience
  • n


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