Amendment 69 — ColoradoCare Tax Hike Will Affect Local Veterans

Oct 19, 2016 | Uncategorized

Amendment 69 — Colorado care Tax Hike Will Affect Local VeteransColoradoCare’s proponents claim that Amendment 69 will be good for our active duty and retired military. But that’s not what Colorado’s veterans think! The Pueblo Chieftan published a letter from two decorated retired Colorado veterans, who are opposing the dangerous tax burdens and uncertain health coverage contained in Amendment 69. Read their letter here.nnWith the health care system set up by ColoradoCare, veterans and active duty military members will still receive their care through TRICARE and VA benefits, not through ColoradoCare. But despite no benefits from the new system, Colorado’s military families would still be forced to pay their share of a huge new income tax hike! That could mean a retired colonel eligible for Medicare benefits would pay a $6,000 annual premium for ColoradoCare, with no health care benefits!nnAmendment 69 is dangerous for all Coloradans, but especially for our military families. We only have a few weeks to defeat Amendment 69.nn

nnA resounding 'NO'The Denver Post‘s recent editorial on Amendment 69 starts off with a bang:nn”Should Amendment 69 find itself embedded in the Colorado Constitution, and fail even half as dramatically as it could — and we cannot imagine how it could succeed — it would take navigating circles of hell in a wooden dingy to correct the damage.”nnFrom the giant tax hikes that would affect not only workers’ bottom lines but also the ability of Colorado’s small businesses to grow, to the 21-member board of politicians that would control your health coverage, the Post urges a “resounding ‘no’ on Amendment 69.”This is a huge boost of momentum to our effort to stop ColoradoCare from becoming law, Thomas.nnBut ballots were mailed to voters today — there’s just not much time left to make sure we have the votes to defeat this dangerous measure. Can you chip in $15 today?