Access To Services Under Federal Rule Change Worries Health Care Providers

Jul 24, 2018 | Uncategorized


Planned Parenthood’s Mary Ruth Duncan Health Center in Waco, TX.

nnHealth Care providers across the nation are nervously awaiting the future of the Title X funding under the Trump administration. Check out the article, below, for more information regarding the Title X funding and how it impacts populations everywhere. nnAt the age of 17, Iliana Neumann was orphaned when her mother, a single mom working two to three jobs, died at 38 of breast cancer.nn


nnA lack of access to affordable preventive health care kept her mother from getting the mammogram she needed, said Neumann, now a family practice doctor at the Family Health Center in Waco.nn


nnIn light of proposed changes to the nearly half-century-old Title X law, more low-income women could again be left in a similar position as her mother, without easy access to preventive health care that could save their life, Neumann said.nn


nnIn 2016, 4 million patients nationwide and 166,538 in Texas, received free or low-cost health care through U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Title X programs, according to data from the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association. There are 94 service sites in Texas.nn


nnMore than 75 percent of Title X patients have incomes below 150 percent of the federal poverty level, according to a 2017 report by the Office of Population Affairs.nn


nnHealth care services provided include breast and cervical cancer detection, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, HIV testing, wellness exams and contraception. Title X grants do not cover abortions, and a summary in the federal register states the proposed rule change is intended “to ensure compliance with, and enhance implementation of, the statutory requirement that none of the funds appropriated for Title X may be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.”nn

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nThis article was originally posted on wacotrib.comn