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AMA Released 2021 Updates for E&M

The AMA has released new updates for the 2021 Evaluation and Management guidelines. Stay up to date with the newest guidelines and AMA definition clarifications. Welter Healthcare Partners will also be hosting a webinar to review these changes with a link and sign-up...

Burnout and How it Has Affected Us

Burnout has been the reality for millions of people this past year. Whether it is a change in lifestyle or working too much, it can change the way we approach and do things in our everyday lives. What is burnout exactly and how can we approach these emotions going...

Webinar Training – 2021 E/M TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS Just Released!

The webinar training has been announced for the 2021 E/M technical corrections! Join Welter Healthcare Partners in a webinar training event to go over the newest changes in E/M guidelines and stay up to date on the newest coding changes. Check below for times and...

Bartholin’s Gland Cysts Treatment

Bartholin’s Gland Cysts treatment can come in many different forms. With treatment comes coding for the different classifications and procedures to take care of the cysts. Staying up-to-date with coding can help you organize and get ready for treatment. Continue...

Biden to Address Mental Health and Addiction Crisis

President Biden plans to address the mental health and addiction crisis after both have worsened since the start of the pandemic. He plans to split the funding for this endeavor between substance abuse and mental health services. Continue reading below to learn...

Operation Report and Spinal Adhesion Barriers

This month's operation report features Spinal Adhesion Barriers. The practice of using spinal adhesions within laminectomies is nothing new and this is considered a standard of practice that is essential for good patient recovery. When performing these operations,...

Key Strategies to Better Manage Your Self-Pay Accounts

The pandemic increased the number of patients facilities are seeing and this also lead to the increase in the use of self-pay accounts. Your facility may not have been prepared for this sudden increase. Continue reading below to learn some key strategies to better...

MIPS & APMs Continue to Move Forward

The current Public Health Emergency has changed the way CMS has implemented new programs, such as MIPS and APM, and the timeline in which they will be incorporated. As MIPS & APMs continue to move forward, it is important to stay up-to-date about the newest...

5 Emerging Trends in Value-Based Care

There are 5 emerging trends in value-based care for 2021. The practice of value-based care has picked up momentum because of the pandemic and pressure has been put on healthcare providers to stay up-to-date with trends. Continue reading below to learn more about the 5...

Making the Most of Your Health in the Workplace

Making the most out of the time we have at work to stay healthy can be a real struggle. Health and workplace environments can alter the way we feel so finding this balance is essential to feeling your best. Continue reading to learn more about workplace health and how...

MGMA CFO Analyzes the Financial Impact of COVID-19

MGMA CFO analyzes the financial impact of COVID-19 on physician practices and outlines some long-term strategies that healthcare organizations should implement as a precaution in case another pandemic occurs. These strategies may help avoid the negative financial...